22 October 2009

Praying for Stones

I am facing a few difficulties and I am praying for resolution. But I've been struggling with exactly what to pray for. I would like to be more specific than simply praying "God take this difficulty away".

In His sermon (Matt 7:7-10, Lk 11:9–13) Jesus encourages us to ask for that which sustains us: bread, fish, and eggs (sounds like breakfast in Scandinavia). When asked He will *not* give us stones, snakes or scorpions but instead the good things that we need.

The difficulty is specificity I don't always know what is best for me and my family. So what if, needing bread, I ask for a stone. I must believe that even though I ask for the stone that I think would be best, God will give me the bread that I really need.

I will continue praying with specificity and with the confidence that my Father loves me and will give me what I really need even if I do not know to ask for it.

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