containing mostly ideas related to or work-in-progress from my dissertation
01 November 2009
Greek resources on the web
Greek & Hebrew Reader's Bible
22 October 2009
Praying for Stones
In His sermon (Matt 7:7-10, Lk 11:9–13) Jesus encourages us to ask for that which sustains us: bread, fish, and eggs (sounds like breakfast in Scandinavia). When asked He will *not* give us stones, snakes or scorpions but instead the good things that we need.
The difficulty is specificity I don't always know what is best for me and my family. So what if, needing bread, I ask for a stone. I must believe that even though I ask for the stone that I think would be best, God will give me the bread that I really need.
I will continue praying with specificity and with the confidence that my Father loves me and will give me what I really need even if I do not know to ask for it.
16 October 2009
15 October 2009
Mind mapping - XMind
So I've started to use it to keep complex world a bit more in order.
I only wish it had RDF capibility so I could name the edges and run SPARQL queries against it.
06 October 2009
Tabernacle Diagram

I told my students I'd put up this image of the tabernacle that we discussed in class last night. The overall scheme for the diagram was again inspired by Sarna's Understanding Genesis, who it seems also inspired Bandstra's similar diagram.
28 September 2009
The gift of perspective
24 September 2009
Ancient Hebrew Cosmology Diagram

I made this diagram for my creation lecture. It is adapted from Nahum Sarna's, Understanding Genesis. The round circle in the middle is the navel of the earth.
07 July 2009
The Fast
The fast embraces the hunger that is fundamental to our existence in this fallen cosmos. It becomes a symbol for all of our hunger – the hunger for security, for significance, for relationship, for food, for freedom.
The fast places us in solidarity with the other whose hunger is more acute than our own. The intensification of our hunger reminds us that there our those who live every day with a hunger yet more intense.
The fast is a proclamation that though we acknowledge our hunger, it will not rule us. We are not slaves to our desires.
The fast is a reminder that we will not always be hungry. Though hunger is our lot now, one day soon the effects of the resurrection will be fully realized and hunger will be no more.
The Creed
Check it out on Garrett's site:
22 June 2009
Deuteronomy and Sabbath
Stop and recover freedom for slaves
Stop and recover fertility for the land
Stop and recover food for the poor
Stop and recover property to its original owner....
In sum sabbath occasions envisions the regular restoration of the world and its manifold relationship to their created order and character. At its core, the holy rhythm that inseparably joins Israel' life and liturgy also summons the community of faith to reclaim and restore God's cosmic purposes through its ministry in the world.
from: Balentine "The Torah's Vision of Worship"
Kingdom evangelization
This was Jesus' confrontational evangelization. It calls for a verdict. It demands an options. "Repent ... and believe ... the kingdom if comming."
Arias, Mortimer. "Announcing the Reign of God." p 53.
Fertility and Justice
Lots of interesting - but often overdone - ideas; typical Brueggemann.
In his final chapter his premise is that there is a link between economics and sexuality; between the way we treat women and the way we treat the land. I'm not yet sure what I make of it.
He does make one very interesting observation: both promiscuity and domination both reduce women to a comodity; they both dehumanize and objectify.